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Pig Butchering Scam Explained: Why People Fall for It Easily?

Cyber Security | Mar 22, 2024

Have you heard about the Pig Butchering scam? Don’t worry, though – it has nothing to do with actual pigs. It’s a sneaky kind of scam where someone fattens you up with trust and kindness before taking all your money. But what are the main things you should know about this specific scam?

Let’s break down in more detail why it’s so easy to fall for these tricks.

What is the Pig Butchering Scam?

First off, “Pig Butchering” is just a colorful name. It’s also known as “Sha Zhu Pan” in Chinese, and it’s all about a scammer, or ‘butcher,’ who fattens up their ‘pig’ – that could be you, the potential victim – with lots of attention and trust over time.

Then, when you’re all plump with trust and maybe even love, they go in for the kill by tricking you into investing in fake businesses or stocks, and that’s when they snatch your money.

Sounds scary, right? Yet, in our digitalized society, where people search for meaningful connections online more often than not, it’s a common and harsh reality.

How Does It Work?

Imagine you meet someone online, maybe through a dating app or a social media site like Instagram. They’re super friendly, interested in your life, and they seem to have all the time in the world for you. Over days or weeks, they might share personal stories, show interest in your hobbies, and basically become your new best friend or romantic interest.

Pig Butchering Scam Explained: Why People Fall for It? | DMC

Once they’ve got your trust, they start talking about this amazing investment opportunity or a surefire way to make money, and because they’ve been so nice and trustworthy so far, you may think, “Why not?” That’s how they can easily guide you to invest your hard-earned money into something that’s totally fake.

By the time you realize what’s happening, your money is gone, and so is your so-thought connection, which might be devastating in all kinds of ways.

Why Do People Fall for It?

  1. They play the long game. More than most, these scammers are patient. They take their time building a relationship with you, which makes it harder to spot their true intentions. They might talk to you for weeks or even months, making you feel like they’re a real friend or partner.
  2. It feels personal. The scammer often knows just the right things to say. They might compliment you, share ‘personal’ stories, or show interest in your life, making the relationship feel genuine.
  3. The fear of missing out (FOMO). When the scammer finally brings up the investment opportunity, they make it sound like a once-in-a-lifetime deal. You might start thinking that you don’t want to miss out on this excellent chance, which can cloud your judgment.
  4. Social proof and urgency. Sometimes, they’ll even show you fake testimonials or news articles about how other people are making loads of money from this investment. It’s all about making you feel like you have to act fast, which can lead to spontaneous, yet not adequate decisions.
  5. Lack of investment knowledge. Not everyone is a finance expert, and scammers use big words or complicated explanations to confuse you into thinking they know best – or at least much better than you do.

Pig Butchering Scam Explained: Why People Fall For It? | DMC

How to Avoid Falling for Pig Butchering Scam?

  • Take it slow. If someone you’ve never met is moving too fast or seems too good to be true, take a step back. Authentic and genuine relationships, as well as friendships, take time to develop.
  • Do your homework. If someone suggests an investment, do your own research or talk to a financial advisor. Never rely solely on the advice of someone you’ve only met online.
  • Keep your money matters private. Don’t share details about your finances or make investments based on advice from strangers online. Removing your information from the internet may also be an option if you think you used to share too much of your personal information before.
  • Listen to your gut. If something feels off, it probably is. Trust your instincts, and don’t be afraid to cut off communication. Even better – report it, and share the story with other people you care about. You can never know who can be lured into this web of lies.
  • Use security tools. Security tools like password managers, antivirus, and VPNs are a must – and not because they will help not to fall for Pig Butchering scams, but for overall your information online protection.
  • Educate yourself. Learn about common scams so you can spot the red flags. Knowledge is power, and here it’s especially important.


Pig Butchering scams are definitely nasty – that is because they prey on our need for connection and our trust in others. But now that you know how these scams work and why they’re so effective, you’ll most likely be a lot more careful with such encounters.

Remember to be cautious with new online friendships or romances, especially if they start talking about money. Keep your wits about you, and don’t let those scammers get their hands on your hard-earned cash, as well as overuse the love and attention they don’t deserve!

Noah Miller


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