Digital Marketing Guides & Strategies

The Importance of Brand Perception | NetBaseQuid


“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” -Warren Buffet. It’s always hard to build something and really fast to ruin it.

In this guide, we talk about brand perception, If you’ve not heard about it, this is your chance to know more about it.

Keep on reading to know more…

What Is Brand Perception?

Before explaining the meaning of brand perception, what is a brand? It is the collective whole of all the interactions and touchpoints consumers have with a brand, as well as the messaging that comes directly from a company.

To sum this up, companies don’t control brand perception, so who does? Consumers control it, and brand perception affects many things, with the biggest impact ultimately on your bottom line.

In today’s hyper-competitive market, a company can never be too confident of itself, because those who don’t keep a reality check of their own perceived brand perception vs consumers’ perceived brand perception can rapidly lose market share.

Increase your brand awareness by following these email marketing tips in the Top Email Marketing Tips to Increase Brand Awareness article.

How to Understand Brand Perception:

We can dissect brand perception into many parts, starting with news forms and about a company. In today’s media environment, a company cannot rely on Google alerts alone.

So, let’s talk more about how your brand presents itself to the world from its own channels. You need to ask yourself some questions by digging into your own company news.
For example, what is the tone of your company’s own news? Does the news coming from your own company reflect your brand’s inherent values?

After doing an audit on your own channels, it’s time time to better understand the news coverage from the media, understanding news media coverage by being the first to hear about news mentions is critical to assist your brand in identifying, understanding, as well as mitigating potential risk, and is the hallmark of reputation management.

The Importance of Brand Perception Comprehensive Guide | DMC

Another critical aspect of digging into the news narrative analysis is understanding associated brands. Brand associations can also help you find new ways to market your brand to a larger audience.

The full aspects are available in the full guide

The Content of ” The Importance of Brand Perception ” Guide:

  • What is brand perception?
  • How to understand brand perception
  • Your company in the news
  • Brand associations
  • Your competitors in the news
  • Competitive share of voice
  • What do customers think?
  • Understanding your category
  • Brand perception: the Sum of many parts

Number of Pages:

  • 11


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