Digital Marketing Statistics & Metrics

The Top Prioritize of Implementing Marketing or Sales Artificial Intelligence Applications, 2019

Artificial Intelligence | Global

Artificial intelligence digital marketing strategies can transform the way that brands are engaging with their audience. It can support in driving relevant traffic, acquire new customers, increasing sales, and retaining existing customers. Artificial intelligence is an incredible technology that can work wonders for brands, by using artificial intelligence digital marketing strategies will help brands in delivering improved customer experience and do more effective marketing, it will also ensure faster problem-solving for consumers.

Deep learning is at the heart of marketing artificial intelligence, it describes the sector of machine learning concerned with algorithms, inspired by the neural networks of the human brain. Deep learning uses algorithms to teach computers how to understand user queries, text, images, and speech patterns. Then, the machine uses its knowledge to deliver relevant, helpful answers and solutions according to the users’ needs. Deep learning with artificial intelligence enables brands to better respond to user demands and creates hyper-relevant content and ads at all times.

Take a glance at the top priorities of implementing marketing or sales artificial intelligence applications, 2019:

  • Identifying the right accounts or individuals to target is ranked as the top priority of implementing marketing or sales artificial intelligence applications by surveyed B2B marketers with a rate of 64%.
  • Improving the reach or efficiency of digital advertising is ranked as the second top priority of implementing marketing or sales artificial intelligence applications with a rate of 54%.
  • Capturing the intent signals from accounts or individuals comes next as a priority of implementing marketing or sales artificial intelligence applications by surveyed B2B marketers with a rate of 46%.
  • Automated sales assistants are also listed as a marketing or sales artificial intelligence applications implementation priority with a rate of 18%.
Priorties of implementing AI applications for marketing or sales 2019

A Graph Shows The Top Prioritize of Implementing Marketing or Sales Artificial Intelligence Applications, 2019.

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