Digital Marketing Researches & Reports

2018 Holiday Survey of Consumers | Deloitte


A recent study launched by Deloitte demonstrates that US shoppers are expected to spend $1,536 per household during the holiday season 2018. Gifts and gift cards will likely account for one third (34%) of holiday budgets. Read more and explore how US consumers shop online for the holiday season 2018:

Preferred Channels and Formats for the Holiday Season 2018

  • US shoppers are more likely to spend online than in-store during this holiday season (57% vs. 36%). Most of them are Millennials and Gen-Xers.
  • Convenience (77%), free shipping (72%), time-saving (67%) and home delivery (66%) are the top reasons for shopping online.
  • Internet/online retailers (60%) and mass merchants (52%) the top destinations for shopping online across income levels and are increasing in popularity.
2018 holiday survey of consumers - Deloitte - Digital Marketing Community

A Figure Show the Share of Spend by Online and In-Store Channels in 2018

Digital Influence on Holiday Shopping Season 2018

  • Desktop/laptop is the most used device for purchasing online (79%), followed far by Tablet (69%), and then (67%).
  • Just 23% of US shoppers use social media platforms to assist with holiday shopping.
  • 66% of US shoppers research online and make a purchase in-store, while 54% research in-store and make a purchase online, and 45% buy online and pick up in-store.
  • In terms of holiday shopping research, online retailers, retail stores, and search engines are the top preferred sources for inspiration with rates of 66%, 56% and 56%, respectively.

US Consumer Preferences

  • 82% of US consumers will be influenced by promotions, and 36% of purchases will be influenced by promotions.
  • Price discounts (95%), free shipping (75%) and free gifts (75%) are the most appealing promotional offers for US consumers.
  • Holiday shoppers expect 77% of their spend will be at the same retailers they shopped last year, compared to 75% of shoppers are open to trying new retailers this season.
  • Better prices (75%) are the top reason for trying new store/online retailer, followed far by greater selection (48%).
2018 holiday survey of consumers - Deloitte - Digital Marketing Community

A Figure Shows the Main Sources of Holiday Shopping Research in the US in 2018


Data was driven from a national sample of 4,036 US consumers. The survey was conducted online between September 6-13, 2018. The survey has a margin of error for the entire sample of plus or minus one to two percentage points.


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