Digital Marketing Researches & Reports

ICT Facts and Figures 2017 | ITU

| Global

Young people, aged 15-24, represent almost one-fourth of the total number of individuals using the internet worldwide. They are at the forefront of today’s digital economy, with 70% of the world’s youth are online, while across the total of 104 countries, studied by ITU, more than 80% of the youth population are online.

Find out more about the latest statistics of using the internet around the whole world by young people/youth:

  • 71% of young people are using the internet, compared to 48% of the total population who use the internet too.
  • In developed countries, 94% of young people use the internet compared with 67% in developing countries and only 30% in the least developed countries (LDCs).
  • China and India hold 320 million (39%) of the 830 million young people who are online.
  • Only 15% of households in LDCs have internet access at home and many internet users are accessing the internet from other shared public connections outside the home.
  • Males are more likely than females to use the internet, as females are 12% lower than the proportion of men using the internet worldwide.
  • Mobile-broadband subscriptions have grown more than 20% annually in the last 5 years.
  • In contrast, the global number of fixed-broadband subscriptions has increased by 9% annually in the same period.
ICT Facts and Figures 2017 | ITU 1 | Digital Marketing Community

A Graph Shows the Proportion of Individuals Using the Internet, by Gender, 2017


The International Telecommunication Union, originally the International Telegraph Union, is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is responsible for issues that concern information and communication technologies, They allocate global radio spectrum and satellite orbits, develop the technical standards that ensure networks and technologies seamlessly interconnect, and strive to improve access to ICTs to underserved communities worldwide.

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