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7 Skills a Digital Marketer Must Have

Digital Marketing | Mar 15, 2023

There are 5.16 billion internet users worldwide, making it an ideal platform for marketing. Digital marketing allows businesses to reach more people, use fewer resources, and is environmentally friendly. However, it is challenging since you monitor multiple platforms simultaneously, deal with immense competition, and must constantly update your strategies to improve results. 

In this article, we will go through the top digital marketing skills any digital marketer must have.

The Top Digital Marketing Skills:

A digital marketer must have the resources and knowledge to manage the workload and produce effective results. You can obtain these skills with an online masters in digital marketing analytics. Some of the essential skills you need and the degree provides are as follows:

  • Finding Target Audience 

Finding the right audience allows digital marketers to direct all their resources and attention to people most likely to purchase from the business. Digital markets must know how to analyze competitor websites and profiles and monitor their appeal to the demographic.

They also must know how to conduct market research and collect data from past customers to create a marketing persona, which is a fictional representation of the common characteristics of the target audience. When creating content and developing digital marketing strategies, the digital marketer keeps the persona in mind to appeal to the demographic. 

The Top 7 Digital Marketing Skills You Need To Have | DMC

  • Understanding Social Media

Social media is essential for digital marketing. Its algorithm tailors content according to the user’s taste, making it addictive. A digital marketer must understand how the social media algorithm works and use it to promote their content. They must know which content each social media prioritizes; for example, reels on Instagram and polls on Twitter have more reach than regular posts. Similarly, they must understand keyword use and utilize it. 

Social media is also utilized for influencer marketing. Digital marketers must know how to choose influencers ideal for promoting a specific business. Their audience must match the business’s demographic and be sizable enough to produce results. 

Social media also allows businesses to promote their products and services through paid ads. Digital marketers must create and differentiate these ad campaigns from competitors’ campaigns. A digital marketer who understands social media can create compelling ad campaigns that generate many leads. 

  • Using Analytics

After running multiple digital marketing strategies, a digital marketer must collect and analyze the data to improve results. Analytical software ensures that resources are optimally used, and the best marketing strategies are implemented. They should know which software to use, such as Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics Prime.

The software collects and compiles data into easy-to-read charts, which allows the digital marketer to make informed decisions. They can note which strategies produce the most leads and invest more, and simultaneously eliminate strategies that have a low return on investment (ROI). 

Digital marketers must have certifications that enable them to understand market trends and use analytical software. These also provide knowledge of key performance indicators (KPIs) for each digital marketing strategy. In email marketing, open and bounce rates determine effectiveness, but in social media marketing, the conversion rate is essential. The necessary certifications guarantee that you are qualified to understand patterns and predict market trends. 

  • Utilizing Automation Software

Digital marketing has many repetitive tasks, such as sending bulk emails and posting on social media. Digital marketers must know how to integrate and use automation software, such as HubSpot and Omnisend, to automate tasks and streamline their workflow. This saves time and allows them to focus on more critical aspects.

Not only does automation help attract customers, but it also helps retain them. Through automation software, digital marketers can set up banners and calls to action (CTAs) on the landing page. They encourage users to spend more time on the website, making them likely to purchase. Advanced automation software in the market also lets email marketing be automated without compromising on personalization.

  • Creativity

This is one of the top digital marketing skills, an essential skill for a digital marketer is creativity. Multiple competitors online use the same digital marketing strategies to attract consumers. A digital marketer must create innovative yet relevant content to attract consumer attention.

For instance, they can make creative infographics rather than write lengthy posts to attract users. Digital marketers must know how to create or direct the creation of compelling ad creatives. They must also create a cohesive brand theme across the business’s online presence. 

The Top 7 Digital Marketing Skills You Need To Have | DMC

  • Communication and Collaboration

This is one of the most important digital marketing skills, a digital marketer must have excellent communication skills. They must use enticing statements to attract customers through advertisements, such as catchphrases and jingles. It also allows them to acquire new clients and re-engage old ones. They must also communicate the marketing process to clients and provide them with a timeline of expected results. 

Digital marketing has multiple types, such as content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and mobile marketing. Often, digital marketers cannot outsource some such work to freelancers or other companies. Communication skills will help ensure no miscommunication and that the work is done according to the digital marketer’s requirements. 

Sometimes for market information, the digital marketer will also establish contact with customers through social media or CRM. Proper communication will enable them to retrieve all the information they need. 

  • Keen on Learning

The internet continues to expand, and digital marketing faces constant innovation. A digital marketer should constantly research and learn new digital marketing strategies that will produce effective results. They must also stay updated with platforms like social media and search engines regarding their policies. These platforms constantly update their algorithm and SEO requirements, and digital markets must change their strategies accordingly to guarantee consistent results. 


Digital marketers are essential for every business. They help businesses gain and retain their audiences and generate more leads. To become a digital marketer, you must master specific digital marketing skills like those mentioned above. It’s best to invest in a degree and certifications to advance in your career by gaining knowledge and building credibility.

Amy Harrison


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