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The State of Broadband: Broadband Catalyzing Sustainable Development, Q3 2016 | ITU & UNESCO

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According to the latest ITU estimates, there will be 3.5 billion people online by the end of 2016, but more than half the world’s population (about 3.9 billion people) will still be offline, and unable to connect regularly and there is much more effort is needed to ensure that the benefits of the Internet spread to the remaining 3.9 billion people without Internet access.

So the Broadband Commission has sought to promote the adoption of effective and inclusive broadband policies and practices in countries around the world, with a view to promoting the development and empowering each and every individual and society through the benefits of broadband.

The following points produce an overview of broadband for sustainable development:

  • Many governments in the UAE now offering their services through multiple platforms including mobile devices. So the UAE’s Transformation efforts resulted in 96.3% of the overall transformation.
  • Global telecom services market will be worth an estimated US$1.79 trillion in 2019, up from US$1.68 trillion in 2014.
  • Almost one-third of the world’s mobile subscriptions are currently 3G, while only 15% are 4G and by 2020, 4G could still only account for just over a third (37%) of subscriptions.
  • In 2015, 110 countries had introduced some kind of cyber-security legislation, of which 83 have adopted specific arrangements to secure the protection of data and privacy at the national level. However, in Asia and Africa, less than 4 out of every 10 countries have introduced data protection and privacy laws.
  • A large number of countries are in the process of introducing draft legislation, including Brazil, Egypt, Namibia and South Africa.
  • A monthly fixed broadband package cost 1.7% of average income in developed countries, compared with 31% of average income in developing countries, and 64% of average income in Africa.
  • Mobile broadband cost from 1 up to 2% of monthly income in developed countries, compared with 11-25% of monthly average income in developing countries.
  • Globally, 52% of total households will be connected to the Internet by the end of 2016, up from 49% in 2015.
The State of Broadband Broadband catalyzing sustainable development-Q3 2016 ITU & UNESCO

A Figure Shows The a Comparison of The Technical Specifications For 4G and 5G.


The International Telecommunication Union, originally the International Telegraph Union, is a specialized agency of the United Nations that is responsible for issues that concern information and communication technologies, They allocate global radio spectrum and satellite orbits, develop the technical standards that ensure networks and technologies seamlessly interconnect, and strive to improve access to ICTs to underserved communities worldwide.

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