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Content Marketing Methods That B2B Marketers Are Using to Nurture Their Audience, 2019

Digital Marketing | North America

Nurture is the same as the behaviorally based emails, while lead nurturing is a series of emails that get sent based on the behavior of the lead. A lead nurturing campaign is where marketers are using the data gathered from the user’s behavior to deliver timed and targeted information that will help guide the prospect through the buying process. Before marketers can launch a successful nurture marketing campaign, they must define their audience. The objective is to know their targeted audience well enough to create nurture campaigns that feel personal to them by speaking to their specific concerns.

Take a glance at the content marketing methods of nurturing audiences by North American B2B marketers 2019:

  • Email campaigns are ranked as the most used content marketing audience nurturing method by surveyed B2B marketers with a rate of 87%.
  • Educational content is ranked as the second content marketing audience nurturing method with a rate of 77%.
  • Clear calls to action for next steps come at next as a content marketing method of nurturing audience at a rate of 62%.
  • In-person events also listed as a content marketing audience nurturing method by surveyed B2B marketers with a rate of 61%.
Nurturing audience

A Graph Shows Content Marketing Methods That B2B Marketers Are Using to Develop Their Audience, 2019.

Content Marketing Institute (CMI)

Marketing and Advertising

Before evolving into what is now the Content Marketing Institute, the organization was known as Junta42. Junta42 launched in 2007 as the industry leader in content marketing matching. Content Marketing Institute (CMI) was founded by Joe Pulizzi, the leading evangelist for content marketing and launched in May 2010.It is a leading global content marketing education and training organization, teaching enterprise brands how to attract and retain customers through compelling, multi-channel storytelling. CMI publishes the bi-monthly magazine Chief Content Officer and offers strategic consulting and content marketing research for some of the best-known brands worldwide. CMI’s Content Marketing World event, the largest content marketing-focused event, is held every September in Cleveland, Ohio, USA, and the Intelligent Content Conference event is held every spring.

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